So thankful for everyone who made tonight happen. We do have a wonderful neighbourhood filled with awesome people. So good to have the stories from the past with the stories from today. Especially hearing the young people telling their story. Also loved the performances from our local talent.

Firs and Bromford Neighbours Together Open Evening 2019 ‘Celebrating History, Creating a Legacy’ On 6th February 2019 over 100 people gathered for our open event and awards evening. The theme was ‘Celebrating History, Creating a Legacy’, or in simple terms ‘looking back, to look forward!’ To set the scene for the event; over the past two and a half years our street connectors have been out knocking on doors, at community events, and hosting street parties and have heard stories of the early years of our community. It’s a fabulous story of how a community emerged from the first people who moved into the Bromford in the late sixties, and the Firs in the fifties. Silver Jubilee parties held in 1977 featured in everyone’s stories, and seemed a significant moment, and also makes the link to today with the street parties we hold. So for our open evening we held our own Silver Jubilee party! So we went back to the 7th June 1977, and we were taken to Firs and Bromford having their silver Jubilee parties. It was a neighbourhood that felt neglected and forgotten, and where local people felt like they had to fight for everything they had. But a place where there is a strong community spirit, and a belief that if we work together we can achieve great things. Local people have formed a Firs & Bromford Community Association to work together and get things done. There is a village feel to the place, people are looking out for each other, and doing things for each other. For us what makes this story more special is that it resonates so much with the story of what’s happening right now today. The was hosted by Firs Primary School. The head David Shakeshaft and deputy Wayne Harris welcomed us, and stated how they want the school to be at the heart of the community. During the evening we gave out special recognition awards to those who made a difference in the early years of our neighbourhood, and told snippets of their story and the difference they made. We outlined our Village Vision for the future of Firs and Bromford, and outlined the story of 2018 for Firs & Bromford Neighbours Together. We heard about an exciting Heritage centre being planned, and had 3 performances from local people who all took part in last year’s Talent Show. Gee, Cadey and Elijah all entertained us with their talents. There was lots of conversations and connections being made whilst we ate the lovely food cooked by local people. We had display boards outlining details of the projects that Big Local is investing in, and we had details of The Big Local Spending, priorities and our plan. Lot’s of people came to ask questions, and enquired about how they could get involved.

It was a wonderful evening of storytelling, sharing, conversations, connections, performances, food for our bellies, and food for our thoughts. The challenge laid down was how can we learn from our rich heritage, recognise how far we have come, and how are we going to continue to work together to build an even better Firs and Bromford. The story continues…..